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Product Equestrian Rockstar Bootcamp; The Ultimate Coaching for Peak Performance

Strategic interventions, emotional strength and resiliency training, and peak performance equestrian mental skills coaching for riders and trainers who are or want to be competitive. 

This elite, V.I.P. concierge mental skills coaching program includes world class, one-on-one phone coaching sessions along with strategic interventions as needed and 24/7 access to me through email, text or additional short, 15 minute calls as needed.

Peak performance mental skills coaching will also be applied to a rider's personal and professional life as all these things will affect their performance in the ring.

Trainers signing up for the trainer's version of the program will be to learn how to figure out their client and the most effective tools for making them be the best they can be as well as to work on their own performance in the ring. They will also learn effective communication, leadership training, and business building and promotion.

This package is customized to the client. it includes my book and audios with stories and cases studies of actual transformations and how to use the tools and techniques.

The package of sessions includes multi-media along with powerful one-on-one phone coaching sessions with me where we will discover together and solve the puzzle of what's tripping you up or holding you back while providing the materials for you to lean the basic solutions for jumping over those issues and transforming your riding and your life! 

Circuit coaching includes "Monday morning quarterbacking" from your weekend events, strategic planning for upcoming classes and shows, the ability to reach out at anytime, coaching for your personal life (which will affect your riding), and whatever else it takes for peak performance! 

Coaching program for both riders and trainers can also be customized to work on nutrition, fitness, communication styles, and relationship skills.

After clicking here, each client will be sent an appointment for a free consult to discuss a client's goals and issues so a program can be customized for them and the cost determined. 

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